Bravest Moment – Did I Deal With Saying Bye To Mom

I have been going through "The True and the Questions...a journal" by Sabrina Ward Harrison for a few years. It was a kind present from a friend. It's got beautiful artwork and thought provoking questions. ... Like the universe always nudges me at the time I need, the focus was on being brave when I saw this page. ... The quote before this page shown was, "This is so brave, so kind, all the time, your heart should tell that he loves you...

“Digital Di” Releases “After Mom”

How is life now that mom is gone? How are you getting by? Have you been able to move forward and are you the best version of yourself? Is her memory alive and well? How have your relationships with family turned out? If you had blame or guilt, have you handled forgiveness in a healthy way? If you’re anything like me, you may feel that life has really robbed you of so much love and possibility by taking your mom away...